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We've created clever and customisable cardboard packaging for some of South Africa's largest brands, helping them to keep their business moving forward. Got a product you need a unique packaging solution for? Check out what we've done for other brands for a few ideas to inspire you.

Agri-product packaging inspiration

Mpact re-affirms its commitment at Citrus Summit

Mpact re-affirmed its commitment to South Africa’s citrus industry during the summit of the Citrus Growers Association (CGA) in Gqeberha recently.

Read more: Mpact re-affirms its commitment at Citrus Summit

Mpact showcases Freshpact at Europe’s biggest fruit show

Many international visitors at Europe’s biggest fresh fruit show, Fruit Logistica in Berlin, were given their first introduction to the Freshpact range through Mpact’s return to this major annual event in February.

Read more: Mpact showcases Freshpact at Europe’s biggest fruit show

Print quality celebrated at FTASA awards

The Flexographic Technical Association of South Africa (FTASA) generally holds their print excellence awards every year, identifying and celebrating outstanding flexographic print quality....

Read more: Print quality celebrated at FTASA awards

Our most innovative commercial packaging solutions

Cashier holding corrugated carton box
How to store cartons: It’s the outside that counts

Corrugated outer cartons are the ideal choice when moving goods – they are cost effective, provide necessary protection & they are sustainable. Additionally, when stored correctly, corrugated packaging have a long shelf-life...

Read more: How to store cartons: It’s the outside that counts

Paper punnets
Paper punnet helps SA exports

Highveld Mushrooms, the largest privately-owned enterprise of its kind on the continent, recently became the first producer to successfully export to Mauritius...

Read more: Paper punnet helps SA exports

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